
A terminal based Pokemon like game

View the Project on GitHub lxgr-linux/pokete

Plant attacks

Special Smell

Spreads a special smell that will make the enemy confused but very happy.

Apple Drop

Makes an apple drop on the enemy's head.


Encourages and strengthens all Poketes in your team.

Super Sucker

Sucks 2 HP from the enemy and adds to its own.


Sucks 1 HP from the enemy and adds to its own.

Root Strangler

Uses old and crusty roots to strangle the enemy.

Root Slap

Uses old and crusty roots to slap the enemy.

The Old Roots Hit

An ancient attack that summons the deepest and oldest roots from deep in the earth to defeat the enemy.

Leaf Storm

Blasts a bunch of spiky leaves at the enemy.

Bark Hardening

Hardens its outer layers to protect itself.

Poison Spores

Ejects some poisonous spores onto the enemy.

Branch Stab

Stabs the enemy with a branch, preferably in the enemy's eyes.