Module pokete_data.poketes

Here starts to definition of all the Poketes If you want to contribute Poketes, you have to keep in mind, that "ico" can be max 11x4 chars big and that the max for attacks is (until now) 4 All attributes have to be present make a Pokete work A type has to be present Hornita was inspired and partly designed by Pia

Expand source code
"""Here starts to definition of all the Poketes
  If you want to contribute Poketes, you have to keep in mind, that "ico"
  can be max 11x4 chars big
  and that the max for attacks is (until now) 4
  All attributes have to be present make a Pokete work
  A type has to be present
  Hornita was inspired and partly designed by Pia <>"""

pokes = {
    "__fallback__": {
        "name": "",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 0,
        "defense": 0,
        "attacks": [],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "",
        "lose_xp": 0,
        "rarity": 0,
        "types": ["normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 0,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": """ """,
            "esc": None}],
    "steini": {
        "name": "Steini",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 4,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "politure", "stone_crush", "brick_throw"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A squared stone that can be readily found just lying around.",
        "lose_xp": 3,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["stone", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 5,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r""" +-------+
 | o   o |
 |  www  |
 +-------+ """,
            "esc": None}],
    "mowcow": {
        "name": "Mowcow",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 3,
        "attacks": ["tackle"],
        "pool": ["supercow_power", "meat_skewer"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A cow-like creature found in meadows.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 2,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""    ^__^
            "esc": None}],
    "bigstone": {
        "name": "Bigstone",
        "hp": 30,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 13,
        "attacks": ["snooze", "politure", "brick_throw"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A big and heavy stone made from one of the hardest materials.",
        "lose_xp": 5,
        "rarity": 0.3,
        "types": ["stone", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 5,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""+---------+
|  o   o  |
|   ---   |
            "esc": None}],
    "poundi": {
        "name": "Poundi",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 3,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "politure", "earch_quake"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A powerful and heavy stone Pokete that lives in mountain caves.",
        "lose_xp": 4,
        "rarity": 0.7,
        "types": ["stone", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 4,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""   A-A-A
  < o o >
  < --- >
            "esc": None}],
    "lilstone": {
        "name": "Lilstone",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 1,
        "defense": 2,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "politure", "pepple_fire"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A small but powerful stone Pokete that lives in the mountains.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["stone", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "bigstone",
        "evolve_lvl": 25,
        "initiative": 3,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""
            "esc": None}],
    "rosi": {
        "name": "Rosi",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 0,
        "defense": 1,
        "attacks": ["sucker", "super_sucker"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A plant Pokete that's often mistaken for a normal flower.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 0.8,
        "types": ["plant"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 3,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""
            "esc": None}],
    "wheeto": {
        "name": "Wheeto",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 3,
        "defense": 2,
        "attacks": ["root_slap", "special_smell"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A plant Pokete found in Agrawos; it has special 'Powers'.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["plant"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 2,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""    \ /
            "esc": None}],
    "saugh": {
        "name": "Saugh",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 4,
        "defense": 2,
        "attacks": ["mind_blow", "fire_ball", "sand_throw"],
        "pool": ["hiding"],
        "miss_chance": 1,
        "desc": "The dark and fiery souls of those who got burned to death by the hot sun!",
        "lose_xp": 4,
        "rarity": 0.5,
        "types": ["undead", "fire"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 5,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""
  , .. .
            "esc": ["yellow"]
                }, {
            "txt": r"""

   *  *""",
            "esc": ["thicc", "red"]
    "gobost": {
        "name": "Gobost",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 1,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "mind_blow", "heart_touch"],
        "pool": ["cry"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A scary ghost Pokete that lives in caves and old houses.",
        "lose_xp": 3,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["undead", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "angrilo",
        "evolve_lvl": 25,
        "initiative": 6,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r""" .░░░░░░░.
 ░ ░ ░ ░ ░""",
            "esc": None}],
    "angrilo": {
        "name": "Angrilo",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 3,
        "defense": 2,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "mind_blow", "wet_slap", "heart_touch"],
        "pool": ["cry"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A ghost Pokete that will scare your pants off.",
        "lose_xp": 4,
        "rarity": 0.6,
        "types": ["undead", "normal", "water"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 7,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r""" .░░░░░░░.
 .░░( )░░.
.         .""",
            "esc": None}],
    "vogli": {
        "name": "Vogli",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 6,
        "defense": 1,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "power_pick"],
        "pool": ["cry"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A very common bird Pokete; it lives everywhere.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["flying", "normal", "bird"],
        "evolve_poke": "voglo",
        "initiative": 6,
        "evolve_lvl": 20,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""    A
    ||     """,
            "esc": None}]
    "voglo": {
        "name": "Voglo",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 7,
        "defense": 1,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "power_pick", "wing_hit", "brooding"],
        "pool": ["cry"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A very aggressive bird Pokete that can only be found in the woods.",
        "lose_xp": 3,
        "rarity": 0.8,
        "types": ["flying", "normal", "bird"],
        "evolve_poke": "voglus",
        "evolve_lvl": 35,
        "initiative": 7,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""    ?
    ||     """,
            "esc": None}]
    "voglus": {
        "name": "Voglus",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 9,
        "defense": 3,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "power_pick", "storm_gust", "brooding"],
        "pool": ["cry"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A very aggressive and hard to find bird Pokete.",
        "lose_xp": 5,
        "rarity": 0.2,
        "types": ["flying", "normal", "bird"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 8,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""    /
   > }
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": """
            "esc": ["thicc", "red"]}]
    "ostri": {
        "name": "Ostri",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 8,
        "defense": 0,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "eye_pick", "brooding"],
        "pool": ["cry"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A very aggressive bird Pokete that lives near deserts; \
it will try to peck out your eyes.",
        "rarity": 0.6,
        "lose_xp": 4,
        "types": ["flying", "normal", "bird"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 7,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""   !
            "esc": None}]
    "karpi": {
        "name": "Karpi",
        "hp": 15,
        "atc": 0,
        "defense": 0,
        "attacks": ["tackle"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A harmless water Pokete that can be found everywhere.",
        "lose_xp": 1,
        "rarity": 3,
        "types": ["water", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "kartmen",
        "evolve_lvl": 30,
        "initiative": 0,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""

            "esc": None}]
    "würgos": {
        "name": "Würgos",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 3,
        "defense": 0,
        "attacks": ["chocer", "bite", "poison_bite"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A dangerous snake Pokete.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["poison", "normal", "snake"],
        "evolve_poke": "choka",
        "evolve_lvl": 30,
        "initiative": 3,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""  >'({{{
            "esc": None}]
    "choka": {
        "name": "Choka",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 5,
        "defense": 1,
        "attacks": ["chocer", "bite", "poison_bite", "power_bite"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A fucking dangerous and enormous snake Pokete.",
        "lose_xp": 4,
        "rarity": 0.5,
        "types": ["poison", "normal", "snake"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 4,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r""" _______
/____ * \
 (   \   \
\______   \ """,
            "esc": None}]
    "treenator": {
        "name": "Treenator",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 2,
        "attacks": ["apple_drop", "bark_hardening", "branch_stab", "root_strangler"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A scary and dangerous apple tree.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["plant"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 2,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""    (()
            "esc": None}]
    "bato": {
        "name": "Bato",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 3,
        "defense": 1,
        "attacks": ["bite", "cry"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "An annoying flying rat.",
        "lose_xp": 3,
        "rarity": 1.3,
        "types": ["flying", "flying"],
        "evolve_poke": "bator",
        "evolve_lvl": 20,
        "initiative": 6,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""    ___
WW\/* *\/WW
            "esc": None}]
    "bator": {
        "name": "Bator",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 4,
        "defense": 2,
        "attacks": ["bite", "cry", "poison_bite", "wing_hit"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A chongus flying rat.",
        "lose_xp": 4,
        "rarity": 0.2,
        "types": ["flying", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 8,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""    ___
WW\/o o\/WW
            "esc": None}]
    "blub": {
        "name": "Blub",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 1,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "bubble_bomb", "bubble_shield"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "Very delicious and low fat water Pokete.",
        "lose_xp": 5,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["water", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 1,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""  _____
 / o   \
 >   v  ><
            "esc": None}]
    "owol": {
        "name": "Owol",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 7,
        "defense": 2,
        "attacks": ["pick", "wing_hit", "cry"],
        "pool": ["cry"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A nocturnal Pokete that is looking for small children to eat as a midnight snack.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 0.5,
        "types": ["flying", "normal", "bird"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 3,
        "night_active": True,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""   ,___,
            "esc": None}]
    "rato": {
        "name": "Rato",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 4,
        "defense": 2,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "tail_wipe"],
        "pool": ["bite", "power_bite"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "An annoying rat.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1.3,
        "types": ["normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "ratatat",
        "evolve_lvl": 25,
        "initiative": 6,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""   ^---^
   \o o/
            "esc": None}]
    "ratatat": {
        "name": "Ratatat",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 7,
        "defense": 3,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "tail_wipe", "power_bite"],
        "pool": ["bite"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A damn dangerous and enourmous rat; it will bite of your leg.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 0.7,
        "types": ["normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 7,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""   ^---^
   \   /
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r"""
    * *""",
            "esc": ["thicc", "green"]}]
    "hornita": {
        "name": "Hornita",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 6,
        "defense": 2,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "meat_skewer", "tail_wipe"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A majestic horse that is always looking for something to pick with its horn.",
        "lose_xp": 3,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 3,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r""" \
   //¯¯\\ """,
            "esc": None}]
    "horny": {
        "name": "Horny",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 5,
        "defense": 1,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "meat_skewer"],
        "pool": ["tail_wipe"],
        "miss_chance": 0.2,
        "desc": "A teenage unicorn in the middle of puberty.",
        "rarity": 1,
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "types": ["normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "hornita",
        "evolve_lvl": 20,
        "initiative": 4,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""  ,
   //¯\\ """,
            "esc": None}]
    "bushy": {
        "name": "Bushy",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 1,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "bark_hardening"],
        "pool": ["apple_drop"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A bush, and just a bush. But watch out!",
        "lose_xp": 1,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["plant", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "treenator",
        "evolve_lvl": 20,
        "initiative": 1,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""
            "esc": None}]
    "wolfior": {
        "name": "Wolfior",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 6,
        "defense": 3,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "fire_bite", "ash_throw"],
        "pool": ["cry", "bite", "power_bite"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A fiery wolf straight from hell that likes to burn 11 years old butts off.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["fire", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "wolfiro",
        "evolve_lvl": 25,
        "initiative": 4,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""   ^---^
   (   )
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r"""
    * *
            "esc": ["thicc", "red"]}]
    "wolfiro": {
        "name": "Wolfiro",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 7,
        "defense": 4,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "fire_bite", "ash_throw", "fire_ball"],
        "pool": ["cry", "bite", "power_bite"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A fiery wolf from hell on steroids.",
        "lose_xp": 4,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["fire", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 5,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""   \^-^/
   {   }
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r"""
    * *
            "esc": ["thicc", "red"]}]
    "lindemon": {
        "name": "Lindemon",
        "hp": 30,
        "atc": 8,
        "defense": 8,
        "attacks": ["bite", "wind_blow", "flame_throw"],
        "pool": ["cry", "power_bite"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "An ancient dragon Pokete famous for destroying cities and villages.",
        "lose_xp": 8,
        "rarity": 0.05,
        "types": ["fire", "flying"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 6,
        "ico": [
                "txt": r"""      __
/v___/  \
\-^-/_   \
                "esc": None
            }, {
                "txt": r""" .
                "esc": ["thicc", "red"]
    "rollator": {
        "name": "Rollator",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 5,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "power_roll"],
        "pool": ["hiding"],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A big chunk of stone and dirt that rolls around.",
        "lose_xp": 3,
        "rarity": 0.5,
        "types": ["ground", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 3,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""   _____
  / o o \
  | ___ |
            "esc": None}]
    "clampi": {
        "name": "Clampi",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 7,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "bubble_bomb", "shell_pinch"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A shell that lives deep in the sea or near bays; it's pretty hard to crack.",
        "lose_xp": 5,
        "rarity": 0.8,
        "types": ["water", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "crabbat",
        "evolve_lvl": 20,
        "initiative": 3,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""    ___
  -/   \-
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r"""
            "esc": ["lightblue"]}]
    "crabbat": {
        "name": "Crabbat",
        "hp": 30,
        "atc": 3,
        "defense": 8,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "bubble_gun", "earch_quake", "shell_pinch"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A crusty Pokete that loves to pinch big toes.",
        "lose_xp": 5,
        "rarity": 0.8,
        "types": ["water", "ground", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "rustacean",
        "evolve_lvl": 40,
        "initiative": 4,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r""" (  ___  )
  \-   -/
   ^   ^""",
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r"""
    * *""",
            "esc": ["lightblue"]}]
    "rustacean": {
        "name": "Rustacean",
        "hp": 35,
        "atc": 4,
        "defense": 9,
        "attacks": ["toe_breaker", "bubble_gun", "earch_quake", "shell_pinch"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A crusty Pokete that will pinch your toes and check whether \
or not you borrowed something.",
        "lose_xp": 5,
        "rarity": 0.5,
        "types": ["water", "ground", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 5,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r""" {  ^^^  }
  \-   -/
   ^   ^""",
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r"""
    * *""",
            "esc": ["lightblue"]}]
    "electrode": {
        "name": "Electrode",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 5,
        "defense": 2,
        "attacks": ["shock", "charging", "mega_arch"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A small floating ball that will give you a shock.",
        "lose_xp": 3,
        "rarity": 0.8,
        "types": ["electro"],
        "evolve_poke": "kakraholt",
        "evolve_lvl": 30,
        "initiative": 4,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""
    ( )""",
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": """
            "esc": ["lightblue"]}]
    "cubl": {
        "name": "Cubl",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 3,
        "defense": 3,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "freeze", "snow_storm"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A small ice cube.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1.2,
        "types": ["ice", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "spikl",
        "evolve_lvl": 30,
        "initiative": 1,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""   -----
   |   |
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r"""
    * *""",
            "esc": ["lightblue"]}, {
            "txt": r"""  /     \

  \     /""",
            "esc": ["cyan"]
    "spikl": {
        "name": "Spikl",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 4,
        "defense": 4,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "freeze", "snow_storm", "sword_of_ice"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A block of ice.",
        "lose_xp": 4,
        "rarity": 0.9,
        "types": ["ice", "normal", "water"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 2,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""  -------
  |     |
            "esc": None},
            "txt": r"""
    * *""",
            "esc": ["lightblue"]},
            "txt": r""" /       \

 \       /""",
            "esc": ["cyan"]
    "confuso": {
        "name": "Confuso",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 1,
        "defense": 1,
        "attacks": ["confusion"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A ball floating around in dark woods and caves, \
that will confuse the shit out of you.",
        "lose_xp": 6,
        "rarity": 0.5,
        "types": ["undead"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 2,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""
    (_) """,
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r"""        }
            "esc": ["purple"]}, {
            "txt": r"""       }
            "esc": ["lightblue"]},
    "poisopla": {
        "name": "Poisopla",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 3,
        "defense": 3,
        "attacks": ["root_slap", "poison_spores", "leaf_storm"],
        "pool": ["poison_thorn"],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A unsuspicious plant.",
        "lose_xp": 6,
        "rarity": 0.9,
        "types": ["plant", "poison"],
        "evolve_poke": "megapois",
        "evolve_lvl": 20,
        "initiative": 1,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""
 .__ |/|
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r"""
            "esc": ["purple"]},
    "radishon": {
        "name": "Radishon",
        "hp": 15,
        "atc": 3,
        "defense": 5,
        "attacks": ["root_slap", "hiding", "rain_dance", "encouragement"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A small plant Pokete found burried in the ground.",
        "lose_xp": 3,
        "rarity": 0.5,
        "types": ["plant", "ground"],
        "evolve_poke": "radishuk",
        "evolve_lvl": 20,
        "initiative": 1,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r""" .__ / __.
            "esc": ["thicc", "green"]}, {
            "txt": r"""

   /o o\
   \ - /""",
            "esc": ["purple"]},
    "radishuk": {
        "name": "Radishuk",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 4,
        "defense": 6,
        "attacks": ["root_slap", "hiding", "encouragement", "root_strangler"],
        "pool": ["rain_dance"],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A small plant Pokete deeply burried in the ground.",
        "lose_xp": 4,
        "rarity": 0.3,
        "types": ["plant", "ground"],
        "evolve_poke": "radishull",
        "evolve_lvl": 40,
        "initiative": 1,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r""" .__   __.
            "esc": ["thicc", "green"]}, {
            "txt": r"""

   /o o\
   \ - /""",
            "esc": ["purple"]}, {
            "txt": r"""

  _       \
\/      _/""",
            "esc": ["yellow"]}
    "radishull": {
        "name": "Radishull",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 5,
        "defense": 7,
        "attacks": ["root_slap", "hiding", "encouragement", "root_strangler"],
        "pool": ["rain_dance"],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A small plant Pokete found in the ground.",
        "lose_xp": 6,
        "rarity": 0.2,
        "types": ["plant", "ground"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 2,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""

   /o o\
   \ - /""",
            "esc": ["purple"]}, {
            "txt": r"""  _  \  _\
 / \_/_/
  _       \
\/      _/""",
            "esc": ["yellow"]}
    "megapois": {
        "name": "Megapois",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 3,
        "defense": 5,
        "attacks": ["root_slap", "poison_spores", "leaf_storm", "poison_thorn"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A not at all suspicious plant.",
        "lose_xp": 6,
        "rarity": 0.9,
        "types": ["plant", "poison"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 2,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""
 \_\||/ """,
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r"""    w w
            "esc": ["purple"]},
    "corcos_day": {
        "name": "Corcos",
        "hp": 15,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 5,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "hiding"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A small heavy thing that can be found on the ground; it may reveal something wonderful later.",
        "lose_xp": 1,
        "rarity": 1,
        "night_active": False,
        "types": ["ground"],
        "evolve_poke": "raupathor_day",
        "evolve_lvl": 20,
        "initiative": 1,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""
            "esc": None}
    "corcos_night": {
        "name": "Corcos",
        "hp": 15,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 5,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "hiding"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A small heavy thing that can be found on the ground; it may reveal something wonderful later.",
        "lose_xp": 1,
        "rarity": 1,
        "night_active": True,
        "types": ["ground"],
        "evolve_poke": "raupathor_night",
        "evolve_lvl": 20,
        "initiative": 1,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""
            "esc": None}
    "raupathor_day": {
        "name": "Raupathor",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 3,
        "defense": 4,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "hiding"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A small caterpillar found on leaves.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1,
        "night_active": False,
        "types": ["ground", "plant"],
        "evolve_poke": "schmetterling",
        "evolve_lvl": 30,
        "initiative": 3,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""
  '  '  '
            "esc": None}
    "raupathor_night": {
        "name": "Raupathor",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 3,
        "defense": 4,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "hiding"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A small caterpillar found on leaves.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1,
        "night_active": True,
        "types": ["ground", "undead"],
        "evolve_poke": "mothor",
        "evolve_lvl": 30,
        "initiative": 3,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""
   __ __
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r"""
  .  .  .

  '  '  '""",
    "esc": ["thicc", "blue"]}
    "schmetterling": {
        "name": "Schmetterling",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 5,
        "defense": 2,
        "attacks": ["schmetter", "wing_hit"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A butterfly that will schmetter you away.",
        "lose_xp": 3,
        "rarity": 1,
        "night_active": False,
        "types": ["flying"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 4,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r""" .__ o __.
  /_/'\_\ """,
            "esc": None}
    "mothor": {
        "name": "Mothor",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 6,
        "defense": 2,
        "attacks": ["schmetter", "wing_hit"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A dark butterfly that will schmetter you away.",
        "lose_xp": 4,
        "rarity": 1,
        "night_active": True,
        "types": ["flying", "undead"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 4,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""  __`o´__
  /_/'\_\ """,
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r""" .       .

 ´       `""",
    "esc": ["thicc", "blue"]}
    "lil_nut": {
        "name": "Lil Nut",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 1,
        "defense": 3,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "ground_hit"],
        "pool": ["dick_energy", "hiding"],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A very small whatever that sticks out of the ground.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["ground", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "dicki",
        "evolve_lvl": 35,
        "initiative": 1,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""

            "esc": None}
    "dicki": {
        "name": "Dicki",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 4,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "dick_energy", "hiding", "ground_hit"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A little whatever that sticks out of the ground.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["ground", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "dicko",
        "evolve_lvl": 55,
        "initiative": 2,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""
   |  |""",
            "esc": None}
    "dicko": {
        "name": "Dicko",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 3,
        "defense": 5,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "dick_energy", "hiding", "ground_hit"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "An even bigger whatever that sticks out of the ground.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["ground", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 3,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""    __
   |  |
   |  |""",
            "esc": None}
    "diamondos": {
        "name": "Diamondos",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 15,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "politure", "dazzle"],
        "pool": ["dia_stab", "dia_spikes"],
        "miss_chance": 0.1,
        "desc": "A precious diamond that can only be found in the darkest caves.",
        "lose_xp": 2,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["stone"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 2,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""

    o o
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r"""
    /\ /
            "esc": ["cyan"]}, {
            "txt": r"""
            "esc": ["white"]}
    "kartmen": {
        "name": "Kartmen",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 5,
        "defense": 3,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "bubble_bomb", "bubble_gun"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A freshwater fighting fish Pokete.",
        "lose_xp": 5,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["water", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 1,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""  _((((
 /O   _\/))
            "esc": None}]
    "bablbam": {
        "name": "Bablbam",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 2,
        "defense": 1,
        "attacks": ["tackle", "mind_blow"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "Dead or alive entity with slow movement and mental ability.",
        "lose_xp": 3,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["undead"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 1,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""   (.)~
 / ; \ """,
            "esc": None}]
    "kakraholt": {
        "name": "Kakraholt",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 6,
        "defense": 3,
        "attacks": ["shock", "charging", "mega_arch", "tackle"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A terrestrial crab full of accumulated electrical energy.",
        "lose_xp": 4,
        "rarity": 0.5,
        "types": ["electro", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 5,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""     _
    O O
   /( )\
  /\|^|/\  """,
            "esc": None}, {
            "txt": r"""

->>     ->>""",
            "esc": ["yellow"]}, {
            "txt": r"""
   +   +
     +     """,
            "esc": ["lightblue"]}]
    "pavous": {
        "name": "Pavous",
        "hp": 20,
        "atc": 3,
        "defense": 0,
        "attacks": ["poison_bite", "bite", "webattack"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "A tiny spider like Pokete.",
        "lose_xp": 4,
        "rarity": 1,
        "types": ["poison", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "uberpavous",
        "evolve_lvl": 30,
        "initiative": 3,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""  (0)(0)
 /  ''  \
w        w""",
            "esc": None}]
    "uberpavous": {
        "name": "Uberpavous",
        "hp": 25,
        "atc": 5,
        "defense": 1,
        "attacks": ["poison_bite", "bite", "webattack", "power_bite"],
        "pool": [],
        "miss_chance": 0,
        "desc": "Dnagerous spider like Pokete with strong mandibles.",
        "lose_xp": 4,
        "rarity": 0.5,
        "types": ["poison", "normal"],
        "evolve_poke": "",
        "evolve_lvl": 0,
        "initiative": 5,
        "ico": [{
            "txt": r"""  /\~-~/\
//  '''  \\
W         W""",
            "esc": None}]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("\033[31;1mDo not execute this!\033[0m")